
Back in Norway after six amazing months in Brasil! In many ways is weird to be back, but it is also nice to see friends and family again. But at the same time I miss my Brasilian friends. Its a lot of things here in Norway that is going to take time getting used to.

im looking for the trash to put the toilet paper in.. but its not there!!

Its weird to wear pants… its really cold here!!

Everything is really expencive

I always stop when I get to the zebra stripes to cross the roads, but so does the cars here..

I miss the Brasilian food, but the Norwegian food is good too..

its weird to be able to sleep at the local busses, and not in the long distance busses! In Brasil they have the best busses to travel, they are really comfortable!

Did I mention its cold here!


Even thou im back in norway I was thinking to keep writing about Brasil, because I still have a lot of things I want to write about! And that I started writing, but didn`t finish. Ill probly write about Norway too. We’ll see.

before we left we had a bye bye party.. here is some pictures, im going to miss everyone!!



They are standing outside the Favelas with their uniforms and their big guns, and they look kind of scary. UPP is the police of the Favelas(slums) in Rio de Janeiro. There is still not very many Favelas who has this program, but hopefully it will be more. The idea with UPP is to make it safer in the Favelas, normaly they are controlled by druglords and its not very safe. but the UPP comes in and stop the drug trafficing and make it safer. Before i thougth that all they did was to stand by the entrance to the Favela looking scary and arresting the people who were dealing drugs. But when we went to Rio we stayed in a place that was considerd a Favela and had UPP. The last day we were there we decided to ask to take pictures with them, but this was a longer prosses then expected and we had to go and ask their boss. He was nice and lett us take pictures with the officers but also he showed us around the office and told us about what they were doing. It was really interesting, and it turns out they do other stuff then to look scary. They have activities for the kids in the neighbourhood,  Capuera, and other dance classes. they have a pool that the people can use. they have classes for the poeple who didnt get their education. They really get involved with the poeple who lives there, and they dont just try to make it safer.


Se også:http://hildegunn91.blogspot.com/





It is wierd to think about that in two days it is christmas eve. With 30 C and sun it is hard to get it in your head that its christmas. Today me and Hildegunn are leaving for Rio de Janeiro, to spend Christmas and New years eve there. Im excited to see the city, and their new years eve cerebration is famos all over Brasil, But the chirstmas is not gonna be the same, without «tre nøtter til askepott» , Julebrus, that its dark at 4, and COLD. The christmas decorations are the same here as in Norway, someplaces i think the even have more here then in Norway, it is beautiful and nice, but it still doesnt feel like christmas. But im excited to spend christmas here, its gonna be a different excperience and even thou it doesnt feel like christmas yet, mayebe it will. and im happy to be spending it with Hildegunn and friends!(: 


Fale is one of the groups ABU has here in campinas. it is kind of a social project.

«Themes we work with are: Water and Environmental Sanitation, Children & Teens at Risk,Justice in International Trade, Poverty and Social Inequality and Peacebuilding» (from http://redefale.blogspot.com)
The group here in Campinas meet every thursday and talk about different things here in the area that needs to be done, recently they started a work in a neigborhood that has a lot of problems with drugs, and drug trafficing. We started by doing a servey there to see what the need was, and what is posible for us to do. most people said that there is missing activities for the kids.
The other day we went out in the streets in Real Parque with facepainting, megaphone, and instrument to gather the kids and play games.
At first when we walked out of the house i felt pretty silly, dressed in a sheet with a big butterfly in my face. but it was a lot of fun. We ran around in the street, making noise, singing our song, telling the kids to come and play with us. It was a lot of fun, and the kids seemed like they liked it, and i also think the grownups liked it as well.
We spent the whole day there playing «Stiv heks» «snipp og snapp» and other fun games, there was clowns, and we did a play, the good samaritan(the good Palmeiras fan). It was a good day, and the kids seemed to like the games, they said that they would come again if we did it another time:)

Corinthians is best:)

And there was monkeys there:D

 Paz e amor

This weekend me and Hildegunn went with Pedro, one of the awesom guys from casa douglas to his home town Atibaia, from there we went with his church to a tribe with Natives.the group from the church had a lot of dances and skits they preformed, we did games with the kids, got to know the people from the church and the natives. I had been looking forward to the trip for a long time, and made a picture in my head of how i expected the Natives to be.  I expected them to have clothes and wood houses, to sleep in hammocks, no electricity, taking baths in the river, but it was not exectly like that.

How i pictured the natives:

How they really was:

Other then the appearance of the native you couldn’t tell they were. they looked just like other Brazilians. When i came there i felt more like i was in a small country side village then in a indian tribe. They had Recycling, electricity, brick houses, roads, streetlights, cars, motorcycles, internett, cellphones, cameras and FACEBOOK!

We stayed at the school there and there was posters on the walls in english, portogese and their own language, at first i thought that they were learning portogese and english, but after talking to them i realiced that they knew portogese, but were learning english and their own language. It seemed like they had lost a lot of their own culture when the «white man» came to sivilice them, I thought it was kind of sad to see that, because it is a unic culture and they are the only ones in the world that have it, and if they loose it its never coming back, but now they are trying to get some of it back by teaching the kids the language again and other things.




You know that you are confused of languages when you:


  • write messages with words from 3 different languages
  • when you change from one language to another in the middle of a word
  • have to concentrate to speak English, Norwegian and when you speak Portuguese you use all the brain power you have
  • mix all languages you know
  • speak Norwegian to Brazilians and Portuguese to Norwegians


To learn a new language is a lot of fun, but also very hard. I’m always tired because i have to concentrate all the time. Its difficult to communicate with people, which makes me wanna learn the language even more. It is also a lot of fun, when you notice progress, and manage to understand more, to say weird words that are really formal or old, but they sounds funny. It takes a lot of effort to learn, we have Portuguese classes 4 times a week, and a lot of homework, but its good, because then we learn faster. I’m excited to be able to talk more with people and understand everything they say. 


Mostly used sentences by now:


  • Eu não entendo – i don’t understand
  • Eu fala ingles – I speak English
  • Tudo bem? – everything good?
  • Eu estou com fome – I’m hungry. 
  • Eu sou da noruega – I’m Norwegian. 




Hildegunn Gosta portogês

Casa Douglas

Where i probly have spend most my time here in Campinas by now is at Casa Douglas. This is a repubblica(Studenthome) where some of the leaders of ABU(laget) campinas live. There is almost always people there so its a nice place to hang out,  during the day when people are at school its a good place to studdy and also a lot of the social events in ABU happens here. for example, Jantar do Gringos (foreigner dinner), almost every friday someone from a different country makes a dish from their country and people can come and eat. last time me and Hildegunn made lapskaus. People ate it and said they like it, but its hard to know if they actually did, or if they were beeing polite. Fale meetings also take place at Casa douglas, Fale is ABU’s social project, it is a bibel study group, where we also talk about social issues around here, and try to find a soulution to it. It is a very interesting group, and im excited to be more involved in it.


Oi Amigos, tudo bem?

After leaving Hald, saying good bye to family and friends, and a looooooong plane ride, we finally arrived Brazil. 

We have allready been here for one week, the time goes by way to fast! In the first week we spent a lot of time getting to know what we are going to do for the next 6 months, getting to know the area and people! Campinas is a beatiful city, with a lot of parks, green areas and coulorful houses. The people are open and nice, and I feel very welcome here. 

até logo, see you later!


Hei hei, nå skal jeg altså begynne å blogge igjen, det kan bli spennende å se hvor lenge det varer denne gangen. Grunnen til at jeg skal begynne å blogge igjen er at jeg nå har gått litt over 2 uker på Hald Internasjonale Senter. Nå skal vi først bo på internat her i Mandal ett par uker til før vi reiser ut i den store verden, jeg reiser da til Campinas i Brasil sammen med Hildegunn!

Her er litt av det vi gjør på her på Hald, Blåtur, fotball, volleyball, lesing, henging.

ok, saa jeg har vist vert litt lat i det siste.. litt lenge siden sist jeg skrev.

& Desember reiste vi til Hawaii, Det var konge, skikkelig fint der, og veldig deilig aa ligge paa stranden, bade og sole seg. Trengte en ferie. forste dagene bodde vi i en hytte paa air forcen. Hadde nesten egen strand, ufattelig deilig. siste dagene bodde vi paa et litt finere hotell. Det var en kjempe flott tur, og sara og megan hadde aldri reist for, eller tatt fly, saa det var kjekt aa vaere med paa deres forste fly tur, selv om de fort fant ut at det var ganske saa kjedelig. Hawaii er egentlig litt oppskrytt, det er ufattelig vakkert, men det var ikke saa anderledes fra en vanlig syden ferie. Men det er jo litt saann at naar jeg sier her at jeg har vert i spania saa synes de det er drit kult, mens det ikke er en saa stor greie hjemme, Og hawaii er liksom ikke en saa stor greie her, mens hjemme er det kulere enn en tur til spania. Storste forskjellen var kanskje at det ikke var fult saa mye festing paa Hawaii, kan ha noe med tiden vi reiste paa og..

Julen og nyttaaret var veldig annerledes, og egentlig ganske kjedelig. 24 desember spiste vi Encheladas til middag.. Mexikansk mat, veldig godt, men ikke akkurat pinnekjoett. Vi aapnet gavene den 24 og. 25 hadde vi en stor middag, med ribbe, veldig godt. Nyttaars aften gjorde vi egentlig ingenting, saa paa film og spiste pizza. gikk i kirken en liten stund. Megan og Sara var hos faren, saa det var bare meg og nikki hjemme, og nikki var syk, saa det ble egentlig ganske saa kjedelig. men det er naa saann det er , det var en annerledes jul, og tilneste aar blir det tilbake til pinnekjoett og rakketter paa nyttaars aften.

Etter ferien begynnte siste inspurt paa skolen, slutten paa semesteret var paa torsdag, saa de siste 2 ukene har jeg stresset med aa faa alt arbeidet mitt inn, siden jeg var vekke foer jul, hadde jeg ekstra mye, men det var verdt det. Og naa er jeg endelig ferdig. Paa mandag skal det bli spennende, for nesten hele timeplanen min er forandrett.

Jeg skal proeve aa skrive litt mer framover.. XOXO